Food Safety

28/06/2023 | Sesotec

Food Safety - An Overview

Ensuring food safety is the most important concern of the food industry. However, traders and consumers not only expect safe and qualitatively flawless food, they are entitled to it by law. In addition, most retail chains require special certifications from their suppliers.

In order to meet the legal requirements, the standards of the retail chains and the expectations of consumers, food producers and processors are continuously working on better and better control systems for all process stages. After all, in-house inspections are the basis for quality assurance and consumer protection.

As a manufacturer of inspection systems for the food industry, Sesotec is passionate about supporting food manufacturers and processors on their way to greater food safety - "Anytime and Anywhere".

We have been dealing with the topic of food safety for decades and regularly provide information on interesting topics related to food safety. Now we have brought all the articles together on one page and you can click through the three major topic areas:

  • General information on food safety
  • Standards, regulations and certification in food safety
  • Product inspection and foreign object detection as an elementary component of food safety

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