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X-ray food inspection systems for packaged products

Our X-ray systems for packaged products are specifically designed for end-of-line quality control in the food industry. These X-ray food inspection systems combine highly efficient contaminant detection with the greatest ease of operation and a hygienic design, complying with all key food safety standards. Our X-ray inspection machines are especially well-suited for meat and other processed food products, as they not only detect metals, but also many other contaminants, including glass, ceramic, stones, bone fragments and PVC, not to mention a variety of product defects. All this combines to offer precise end-of-line inspection paired with reliable protection against customer complaints and recalls.

Packaged food products travel through the X-ray machine on a conveyor belt. By reading the X-ray signals, our special analysis software creates a digital image of the product which it examines for contaminants and a variety of product defects, such as air bubbles, too much or too little weight, and breakage. Integrated separation systems then ensure reliable removal of defective or contaminated products.

NEW: Discover the new RAYCON family - a complete portfolio for innovative and directive-compliant product inspection!

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That's what distinguishes our products
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Easy to use

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Highest detection accuracy

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Easy cleaning and maintenance

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Easy installation

The benefits of X-ray inspection in detail

  • Our X-ray food inspection systems detect contaminants such as metals, glass, ceramic, stones, bone fragments, PVC, Teflon, rubber and glass-fibre-reinforced plastics in food products such as packaged meat, pastas, and ready-made meals
  • Detect contaminants as small as 0.3 mm in particle size
  • Outstanding design: hygienic, easy access and possible to service without tools
  • Hassle-free installation thanks to a modular design
  • Compliance with common food industry standards, such as BRCGS, IFS and HACCP
  • Excellent radiation protection in line with the German X-ray Regulation (Röntgenverordnung − RöV)
  • Check the weight of whole products or individual components
  • Ensure completeness, even in closed packaging
  • Detect lumpy, misshapen or broken products
  • Detect trapped air in tubes and cans
  • Finding metal with X-rays: detect metal contaminants from non-magnetic stainless steels and non-ferrous metals, even in food packed in aluminium
  • Simultaneously inspect various products, merge a number of packaging lines into single inspection system
  • Intuitive user interface provides a swift overview and is extremely easy to operate
  • Our X-ray systems work at high speeds thanks to innovative analysis software
  • “Ignore clip” function makes it possible to mask packaging clips, false rejects and product loss
  •  AuditCheck function actively assists the operator in process monitoring, reducing the effort of manual logging on the line

Examples of X-ray inspection for meat and pasta products

Product example RAYCON D

X-ray inspection system design and configuration options

Conveyor belt

Food products travel through the inspection machine on a flat conveyor belt. This way, the product passes evenly through the X-ray beam, making it possible to scan the product in rows. 

X-ray tube

X-rays are electrically generated in the X-ray tube and are emitted through a narrow slit. Once emitted, they travel through the product from bottom to top as a fan-shaped beam. Depending on the product’s height and density, some of the X-rays are absorbed by the product. 

Detector unit

Attenuated X-ray signals reach the linear detector unit installed above the conveyor belt. These signals are then converted into a digital image of the food product. 

Industry PC

The X-ray image is analysed for contaminants and other product defects.

Product variations

The entry-level model for packaged products
Product brochure

The standard model for packaged products

The high-end model for packaged products

The curtainless standard model - especially for light or sharp-edged packaged products

The curtainless high-end model - especially for light or sharp-edged packaged products

RAYCON D+ HX Dual Energy
The high-end model with Dual-Energy Technology - for detecting impurities and plastics with low density.


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White Paper

Contaminant Detection in the Meat Industry

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White Paper

Advanced Functions and Capabilities of X-ray Technology

In this White Paper we show you the key benefits and diverse application possibilities of x-ray technology and how these systems help you to ensure your product quality.

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White Paper

Booklet: X-ray inspection systems

With our booklet about X-ray inspection of food products we give you an overview of x-ray inspection in general, important food standards and Sesotec's solutions.

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E-Book: Driving Impact - Safe food and saving food

In our e-book we show you, amongst others, what challenges the development of the world's population and especially food safety pose for manufacturers and processors and how they can still be mastered.

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Reliable X-ray inspection of metallised packaging

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Top x-ray technologie for spices with top quality

The „Alte Gewürzamt“ produces 120 tons spices and spice mixtures per year on 4.000 square meters. The HACCP analysis revealed an increased risk of contamination with metal, stones and glass. An inspection at the outgoing goods was therefore required to meet the quality standards.

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Safe bread and rolls from the Austrian Waldviertel

The Backwelt Pilz produces pre-baked and pre-cooked deep-frozen baked goods, for the food retail trade, petrol station shops and system gastronomy. In order to ensure that bread and rolls are absolutely free of foreign bodies, the Backwelt Pilz decided, in addition to the existing metal detectors, also to install RAYCON D+ X-ray inspection equipment for packaged products.

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X-ray inspection systems ensure top quality in MANNER products

Founded in 1890, the Josef Manner & Comp. AG is the number one specialist for wafers, dragées, and marshmallow products in Austria. As a leading manufacturer of product inspection technology, Sesotec supplied Manner with three RAYCON x-ray systems to help them renew their IFS certification in 2019. The solution was a success: their IFS certificate was renewed and both production sites continue to operate at the highest level of accreditation.


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X-ray technology enables end-to-end traceability for meat and sausage products

FF Frischfleisch AG was searching for a way to fully trace 100% of products subject to complaints. Such a solution would require the systematic documentation of production. In cooperation with Kundert, the Swiss sales partner, Sesotec was able to develop a solution to this challenge onsite.

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EUROVERDE uses X-ray technology to find the smallest stones in soups

EUROVERDE‘s entire product range is the result of a quality process at the highest level. In the field of foreign matter management, EUROVERDE has been using various metal detectors for years to separate metal particles of any kind from the products.

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Examining raw materials for adhesive tapes at the highest level

Our client in northern Germany employs around 600 people and produces single and double-sided adhesive tapes on production facilities that are among the most advanced worldwide. Raw materials for adhesive tape production can contain tiny metal particles. Even the smallest foreign object that enters production poses a significant risk.

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Industry Brochures

Product Purity. Optimal contaminant detection in the food industry.

Industry Brochures

Product Inspection in the Meat Industry

Brochure about the production and processing of meat products.

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Product inspection system for slim and packaged products at moderate pricing

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Product Brochures


Intelligent X-ray inspection system for packaged products

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Product Brochures

The RAYCON D+ HX high-end X-ray inspection system is characterised by the highest detection accuracy, which clearly exceeds generally applicable food regulations.
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Product Brochures


The RAYCON D+ MX LW is the standard model for inspecting lightly packaged products. Therefore, this unit is equipped with an innovative conveyor belt design that does not require curtains.

Raycon D M X L W Gesamtansicht Logos

Product Brochures


RAYCON D+ HX LW is the high-end model for inspecting light packaged products. Therefore, this device is equipped with an innovative conveyor belt design that does not require curtains. It achieves the highest detection accuracies.

Raycon D M X Gesamtansicht Logos

Product Brochures

RAYCON D+ HX Dual Energy

The RAYCON D+ HX Dual Energy high-end X-ray inspection system detects difficult-to-detect low-density contaminants such as certain plastics and cartilage.

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Product Brochures

RAYCON Family - X-ray inspection holistically thought through

Sesotec has completed the proven RAYCON product family and thus offers X-ray inspection solutions for all applications in the food industry.

Sesotec live! - Our upcoming exhibitions