Purity is value

Driving Impact

Purity is value

S E S Categories  Plastic  black 402x 170717

Foreign material detection in the plastics industry

A circular economy must not only be sustainable and environmentally friendly, but also profitable for the companies that manufacture, process, and recycle plastics. To this end, the purity of the raw materials and sorting streams plays a decisive role.

Using intelligent technologies and services, we help businesses in the plastics sector operate with circularity and efficiency. In this way, profitability, sustainability, and environmental protection go hand in hand.

The Circular Economy - Closing the plastics loop

The plastics industry is under pressure. Between climate change, the depletion of finite resources, and the vast amounts of plastic waste floating in the world’s oceans, the perception of plastic is changing among politicians, businesses, and consumers alike. Establishing a circular economy promises numerous opportunities for manufactures, processors, and recyclers of plastics; but it would also come with a variety of challenges. 

From processors and manufacturers, to consumers, to recyclers: to establish an enduring circular economy, all actors must see a benefit.

The availability, quality, and price of raw materials play a significant role in the profitability of plastics manufacturing and processing. The same also applies to the recycling industry, where fluctuations in the price of recyclate and virgin material pose additional challenges.

For businesses that manufacture, process, or recycle plastics, flexible technology is key to achieving optimum profitability. Facilities outfitted with a coordinated, sophisticated system of metal separators and sorting equipment are positioned for higher system availability and processing efficiency.

Learn more about our solutions for the plastics recycling industry

Material efficiency: Get more out of plastics

Like recyclers, manufacturers and processors of plastics must contend with fluctuations in the availability of recycled materials. This is especially true in times of high demand. Furthermore, not all recycled materials are of high enough quality or available in sufficient quantities to be suitable for further processing. The higher the quality of the recycled material, the more efficient its processing.

Better process reliability and system availability lead to greater profits

The plastics, rubber and chemical industries often use expensive equipment, such as injection-moulding machines, calender rolls, extruders and blow-moulding machines. The continuous operation of these machines is tremendously important to a company’s profitability. However, operations can come to a standstill if even the tiniest pieces of metal become lodged in melt filters, hot runners or nozzle tools, obstruct check valves or cause damage to plasticising screws or cylinders. Metal detectors and magnet separators can prevent equipment failure  from occurring. The timely detection and removal of contaminants increases process continuity and productivity by reducing downtime.

Higher quality for your customers

Product purity is a key quality concern in plastics, rubber, and chemical production. In addition, quality issues may arise if metal contaminants lead to blockages in production equipment, causing too little material to be injected into the moulds of plastic parts. In some industry segments, such as hygiene products, consumer protection is yet another argument for why metallic contaminants must be avoided at all costs. The use of metal detectors can lower the reject rate, prevent complaints and enhance customer satisfaction.

What can we do for you?

For more than four decades, Sesotec has been a trusted expert in metal detection and metal separation for the plastics, rubber and chemical industries. Our metal detectorsact as machinery protection devices, detecting and removing all metals, including ferromagnetic metals such as iron, to stainless steel, aluminum, copper, brass and lead, among others. Furthermore, they do so safely and reliably, regardless of whether the metals are encased, coated, painted, insulated, embedded or loose. To enhance efficiency, magnet separatorscan be implemented upstream to separate out iron and magnetized particles of stainless steel.

Learn more about our solutions for the plastics recycling industry

Our portfolio of modular products is compatible with all specifications required in diverse manufacturing and processing applications. We have standardized solutions for all process steps: 

  • Silo filling
  • Conveyor, drying and crystallisation systems
  • Sprue grinders and central granulators (in-house recycling)
  • Dosing and feeding
  • Inlet at the processing machines (last-chance checkpoint)
  • Packaging of the finished product (final quality check)
  • Material analysis for incoming goods inspection 
  • Recycling and flake sorting


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Content type
vorschau einfache installation de

White Paper

Important factors when buying a metal detector for plastics processing machines

How easy is it to install the metal detector in the production line – and how easy is it for your staff to operate the device?

white paper metal contaminants in plastics industry

White Paper

Metal contamination in plastics processing – causes and countermeasures

In our white paper, we provide a detailed outline of the issues, their causes and the necessary countermeasures for eliminating metal contamination in the plastics processing industry.

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White Paper

Keeping plastic compounds free of metallic contaminants

The Whitepaper explores the challenges that metal contamination poses to compounding and masterbatch production and considers the key features that metal separators must have to provide an adequate solution.

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White Paper

The circular economy: Challenges and opportunities for Recyclers and plastics processors

The plastics industry is under pressure. Between climate change, excessive consumption of finite resources, and vast amounts of plastic waste in the world’s oceans, plastics are coming to be seen in a different light by politicians, businesses, and consumers alike. Read in our e-book about the most important factors of a functioning circular economy, especially which challenges and opportunities exist for recyclers and plastics processors.

wp rezyklateinsatz preview de

White Paper

Using recycled materials in plastics processing

In the new Sesotec White Paper "Using recycled materials in plastics processing" you will learn about

  • … why there is increasing pressure on plastics processors to use more recyclate
  • … the differences between post-consumer and post-industrial recyclate
  • … the problems plastics processors may face when using recyclate
  • … how to future-proof your processes to effectively handle increasing volumes of recyclate

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Case Studies

Marangoni installs Sesotec Metal Detectors
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Machinery protection at Starlinger
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Sesotec Convince Manufacturer of Pharmaceutical Packaging
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Metal detector allows economic processing of regenerated material
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For decades Brückner has been relying on Sesotec metal separators
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Aptar Relies On Sesotec Metal Separators For Machine Protection

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Sesotec metal separators optimise injection moulding process at leading medical technology company
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SABIC chooses Sesotec high performance metal separator
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Metal-free granulate for SUZUKI motorcycle parts

Case Studies

Injection moulding company outfits 600 machines with SAFEMAG magnet systems
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Quality assurance in the plastics industry with Sesotec metal detectors
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Case Studies

Production security through machine protection in the plastics industry
granulat metall blau

Case Studies

Added value with metal detectors in the plastics industry
x pack 1

Case Studies

Maximum productivity of an injection moulding machine without downtime

Case Studies

Double protection by metal separators and OPC-UA
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Case Studies

Metal detector protects Wanner granulators from damage
gls handee rubber

Case Studies

Metal Detector for the Quality Inspection of Rubber Mats

Case Studies

Sitraplas: Risk-free recyclate processing

Separately purchased recyclate often contains various different polymers as well as metal contaminants such as aluminum, brass, and stainless steel. Learn in our Case Study how Sitraplas has solved this problem.

opc ua sitraplas1

Case Studies

OPC UA for production without machine downtime

SITRAPLAS GmbH is a producer of high-performance engineering plastic compounds. Unplanned downtime is a nightmare for every company, but especially for continuous production facilities. When metal separators are networked with plastic processing machines, the flow of information between machines can be monitored.

granulat blau hand

Case Studies

Machine protection during PVC granulation

To avoid any metal in the powder, CIPSA wanted to inspect the PVC compounds before they enter the pelletizer. This was to protect the extruder screw from damage and avoid expensive production stops.

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Case Studies

How a metal separator saved this plastics manufacturer 75% in maintenance costs and increased output by 20%

While processing virgin glass-filled material together with regrind, the same problem was coming up up over and over again. Metal inclusions were clogging the hot runners of the molds, leading to as many as 10 emergency stops and 2 to 3 costly repairs per month. After careful consideration of the production environment and manufacturing specifications, the metal detection system PROTECTOR 40 was installed along with the magnet system SAFEMAG at the feed hopper of the injection molding machine.

schirm rapid prosense

Case Studies

Product purity for chemical products through precise quality control

The quality requirements of the chemical industry are particularly high. Metal detectors play an essential role in the refinement of solids to ensure a consistently high product quality and safety. At the same time, the customers expect quick setup times to achieve high flexibility and efficiency.

Sesotec img tapes

Case Studies

Examining raw materials for adhesive tapes at the highest level

Our client in northern Germany employs around 600 people and produces single and double-sided adhesive tapes on production facilities that are among the most advanced worldwide. Raw materials for adhesive tape production can contain tiny metal particles. Even the smallest foreign object that enters production poses a significant risk.

Sesotec img G F plastiques zd mat technics 24  13

Case Studies

Better management of production waste at Plastiques ZD

As Plastiques ZD grew, it became necessary to find an environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution for recycling defective parts and production waste. The company turned to the long-time Sesotec partner, MAT Technologic, for a solution.

Sesotec img R A P I D V A R I O viet uc  1

Case Studies

Optimizing Plastic Production at Viet UC Mechanics Polymer Co., Ltd.

Viet UC faced the challenge of eliminating metallic contaminants from masterbatch to prevent particles from entering plastic mixtures during production. These contaminants could not only compromise the quality of the final product but also lead to machine downtime and customer complaints.

preview economy meets ecology

Industry Brochures

Economy meets Ecology

Sorting and Detection systems for every stage of the Circular Economy in the plastics industry.

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Industry Brochures

All about PET
Sesotec ren Titel Bild plast

Industry Brochures

Product portfolio for the plastics industry

The brochure highlights the entire Sesotec product portfolio, which is specially tailored to the needs of the plastics industry.

rapid vario fs

Product Brochures


Metall-Separator für Freifallanwendungen mit drehbarer Separationseinheit

rapid pro sense

Product Brochures


Hochleistungs-Metall-Separator für Freifallanwendungen

rapid dual background

Product Brochures


Metal separator for free-fall applications

rapid 4000

Product Brochures

RAPID 4000

Metal separator for free-fall applications

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Product Brochures


Metall-Separator für Extruder, Spritzgieß- und Blasformmaschinen

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Product Brochures


Metall-Separator für Spritzgießmaschinen, Extruder und Blasformmaschinen

gf p

Product Brochures


Metall-Separator für pneumatische Förderleitungen

els primus

Product Brochures


Plate type metal detector for installation in conveyor belts and material chutes

C Scan D L S

Product Brochures


Splitable metal detector for installation on conveyor belts and material chutes


Product Brochures


Flächen-Metalldetektor zum Einbau in Förderbänder und Materialrutschen

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Product Brochures


Metall-Detektionssystem für Förderbandanwendungen

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Product Brochures


Conveyor based Metal detection systems

Varicon compact

Product Brochures


Kompaktes Metall-Detektionssystem mit Förderband zur Untersuchung von Stückgütern

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Product Brochures


Rohr-Magnet für Freifallanwendungen

extractor se closed frontview

Product Brochures


Rohr-Magnet für Spritzgießmaschinen, Extruder und Blasformmaschinen


Product Brochures


Rohr-Magnet für Spritzgießmaschinen, Extruder und Blasformmaschinen

rapid pro sense 6

Product Brochures


High-performance metal separator for resin and compound manufacturers

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Product Brochures


Analyzing system for the plastics industry

re sort with background

Product Brochures


Mobile metal separation unit for material recovery

R A P I D family shot v04

Product Brochures

Free-fall applications

Our free-fall metal separators have been specially developed for use in free-fall conveying lines with hygienic requirements. They reliably detect and separate magnetic and non-magnetic metal contaminants from granular, fibrous and powdered bulk materials – even if they are enclosed in the product.

P R E S O R T Masterrendering

Product Brochures

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Circular Economy
White Paper
Case Studies
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