Higher Machine Availability
in Plastics Processing

Metal detectors prevent machine damages and downtimes

Downtime at facilities where expensive production equipment, such as injection moulding and blow moulding machines, operate in largely automated processes can become costly very quickly. It is therefore crucial to prevent damage to machines and operations from breaking down. In many cases, tiny pieces of metal, such as abrasion from pipes, are the cause of the problems.

Sesotec metal detectors reliably detect pieces of metal and metal inclusions – regardless of the material – and automatically remove them. In doing so, they play an important role in protecting machines and tools, boosting production reliability, ensuring high-quality products and minimize rejects.

Benefits of Sesotec Metal Detectors

High Precision

Sesotec metal detectors for the plastics industry work with highest detection accuracy for all magnetic and non-magnetic metal contaminants (steel, stainless steel, aluminium, etc.) – even when they are enclosed in the product.

Highest interference resistance

In production environments, various factors can adversely affect the performance of a metal detector. These include, among others, vibrations or electrosmog.

Sesotec metal detectors offer maximum interference resistance and work reliably and accurately even in difficult environmental conditions.

Reduced loss of good material

When metal contaminants are detected, it will inevitably lead to the ejection of a small amount of good material during the separation sequence. 

Depending on the design Sesotec metal detectors provide reject flaps (Quick-Flap) or Quick-Valve separation units in combination with venturi nozzles. They ensure extremely fast separation and therefore a very low loss of good material.

Satisfied customers

Contact us! Our experts will give you advice on your individual application.

Sesotec GmbH
Regener Straße 130
94513 Schönberg
