
May 23, 2019 | Sesotec

What the Meat Industry Expects from Product Inspection Systems

At the IFFA 2019 Sesotec presented customised solutions for contaminant detection

For Sesotec GmbH, one of the leading manufacturers of product inspection and sorting systems for the food industry, the IFFA 2019 trade fair appearance was centered on two important subjects: X-ray technology and services.  

For Sesotec, close cooperation with customers, who are important drivers of innovation and partners on the same level, is the key to the success of X-ray systems. At their trade fair stand Sesotec therefore presented an "X-ray inspection for the future" design study where users had the chance to discuss the requirements, e.g. with respect to construction and design, that an X-ray inspection system in their opinion should meet. Customers who talked with the Sesotec team at the trade fair stand provided feedback from their practical experience and described the features they would like to see or even expect in X-ray systems of the future.  

With respect to innovative services Sesotec at the IFFA presented the new "Lifetime Warranty" service package for X-ray systems. This service package includes a lifetime warranty extension for X-ray tube and detector as well as predictive maintenance. The advantage for users of Sesotec X-ray systems with "Lifetime Warranty" service is that production can be run throughout the complete lifetime of the system with maximum value added and with full cost control. 

The supporting program of the IFFA this year again included the "IFFA Forum" that in technical lectures focused on important industry trends. "Food Safety" was one of the top subjects. Uli Hurzlmeier, X-ray Product Manager of Sesotec, in this context gave a lecture on the subject of "Detection of plastics with dual-energy technology". The resonance of the audience was positive throughout, which clearly indicates that in the meat industry the subject of "Detection of plastics" is gaining more and more importance and that solutions are actively searched.

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