
Jun 17, 2020 | Marc Setzen, CEO

Statement from Sesotec on digitalization in the time of Corona

"In spite of the challenges, this is an opportunity for all of us"

Dear customers and partners,

In an interview about the Coronavirus pandemic, philosopher Wilhelm Schmid said the following: "These are unusual times. And unusual times are times of learning." One example of learning is the accelerating pace at which companies are digitalizing as a result of this crisis. Before the pandemic, digitalization was often mentioned as a goal or buzzword. Now, digitalization is a pragmatic and necessary approach to daily business.

The implementation of digital solutions is no longer being hemmed by an attitude of “we’ve always done it this way.” Companies are learning in real-time how and where digitalization can work for them. With this crisis has come the realization that digital processes and platforms are often simpler, faster, cheaper, and therefore more efficient overall.

Many of us have been delighted to take part in quick and productive digital meetings which, prior to Coronavirus, would have demanded hours of our physical presence. And with home office solutions allowing a certain degree of personal freedom, many companies are seeing improvements in employee motivation. In the realm of customer support, remote service solutions that make use of augmented reality are delivering notable benefits in terms of productivity and security. And while trade fairs have been cancelled or postponed, there are still opportunities to connect digitally. Sesotec, for example, is hosting a virtual exhibition stand (-> visit our virtual stand).  

Digitalization fosters a new type of cooperation. Mutual trust is paramount in order to facilitate the secure exchange of data. The better this exchange works, the more successful the cooperation.

Despite the challenges, the Corona crisis is an opportunity for all of us. We are experiencing rapid progress and seeing digital technologies establish themselves as the new standards. But we are also learning that not everything can or should be digitalized.  

Under no circumstances should companies fall back into inefficient working methods and old silo mentalities once the crisis is over. Furthermore, according to Reinhard Loske, Professor of Sustainability and Social Design at the Cusanus University in Bernkastel-Kues, life after Corona will not be the same as life before the pandemic. Beyond the implications for our climate, such a return would be neither generationally appropriate nor sustainable.

We are glad to stand by you, even in difficult times.


Best regards and stay healthy,

Marc Setzen, CEO

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