White Paper

Apr 03, 2019 | Sesotec

Important factors when buying a metal detector for plastics processing machines

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As a plastics processor, you know how important the utilisation and uptime of expensive equipment such as injection moulding machines, extruders and blow moulders can be for your company. Avoiding unscheduled downtime due to issues such as metal contamination in granulates is an absolute must. That is why metal detectors are an important part of production lines in the plastics industry today. They help prevent damage and increase the service life of machinery. What is more, greater machine uptime also increases the productivity of the entire line.

The decision to purchase specific metal detectors for moulding machines, extruders and blow moulders is usually based on criteria such as detection accuracy and price, both of which should indeed be taken into consideration. However, two other factors usually do not receive enough attention in the decision-making process: how easy is it to install the metal detector in the production line – and how easy is it for your staff to operate the device?

In our white paper, we will take a closer look at these two factors and show you why you should take them into account when making your decisions. We will also provide you with a checklist that you can use to check whether a metal detector is both easy to install and easy to operate.

Download our free white paper here:

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