White Paper

Nov 20, 2019 | Sesotec

eBook: Driving Impact - Closing the plastic cycle

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In a time when most discussions concerning plastic seem to centre on waste, the positive properties of this synthetic substance are often overlooked. Few other materials have such a good track record when it comes to factors such as food hygiene and shelf life.  

Too little plastic waste is recycled

Only 30% of plastic waste was recycled in Europe in 2017. In China, that figure stood at 25 %, and was just 9 % in the United States. That is a lot of wasted potential. Much of the world’s plastic waste ends up in landfills or is incinerated, posing a risk to groundwater and the air.  

The solution – a circular economy

Closing the plastic cycle is the cleanest solution for humans and the environment. That is something politics have come to realise. Still, the industry also needs to lead by example. In our eBook we show you, amongst others, which challenges plastic recyclers, manufacturers and processors are faced with in the context of the circular economy.


Find out in our eBook:

  • Why plastic is an extremely valuable and important material of todays society
  • What problems arise from plastic waste if it is not recycled
  • What are the requirements for a circular economy to really work
  • Which challenges plastic recyclers, manufacturers and processors are faced with in the context of the circular economy

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