
26/03/2019 | Sesotec

IFFA 2019: Meat and sausage products, free of contaminants – guaranteed

Tailored inspection solutions for the meat-processing industry

At IFFA 2019 in Frankfurt (Hall 9.1, Stand C58), Sesotec GmbH will present technologically sophisticated solutions for detecting metals and contaminants in packaged and unpackaged meat and sausage products. A design study on the RAYCON D+ product inspection system and the VARICON+ metal detection system, featuring the INTUITY metal detector, will be showcased at the trade fair. In addition, Sesotec will present the new Lifetime Warranty service package for X-ray machines at its stand at IFFA.

Customer co-creation

Product inspection systems which work with X-ray technology are already widely used in the meat industry. For Sesotec, the key to the success of X-ray systems is close cooperation with customers, who are important drivers of innovation and equal partners. Sesotec will therefore be exhibiting a design study entitled “X-ray inspection for the future” at its stand, where users can discuss what they expect from an X-ray inspection device in terms of its construction and other factors. 

Uli Hurzlmeier, product manager for X-rays at Sesotec: “The most important thing is to understand customers and offer them the services they need. With X-rays, that means not only the accuracy of detection, but also the kind of contaminant the user is looking for and the construction of the devices.” Findings of plastic contamination in meat products have therefore led Sesotec to develop the Dual Energy technological solution in cooperation with its customers.  

At IFFA, Sesotec will present the VARICON+ metal detection system, which is equipped with the INTUITY detection coil and achieves up to 50% higher scanning sensitivity than other systems on the market thanks to multi-simultaneous frequency technology. If used to help inspect outgoing goods, it can ensure that packaged meat and sausage products are free of metal contaminants.

Lifetime Warranty service package for X-ray devices

Sesotec will also present the new Lifetime Warranty service package for X-ray systems at IFFA. This service package features a lifetime warranty extension on X-ray tubes and detectors, as well as predictive maintenance. For users of Sesotec X-ray devices, Lifetime Warranty service ensures that production is possible over the entire lifetime of the machine with maximum value creation and full cost control.


Click here for further information about Sesotec at IFFA 2019.

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