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Comprehensive product inspection with X-ray systems

Product quality is the number one priority in the food industry. Manufacturers are liable for contamination, and impurities and quality issues can result in a tarnished reputation. Our X-ray inspection systems detect a wide range of contaminants and product defects, protect you against customer complaints and product recalls − and consumers against harm to their health.

X-ray inspection systems detect all contaminants whose density differs significantly from that of the product being inspected, not to mention air bubbles, breakage and other defects. Our X-ray systems designed for inspecting food move your products evenly through the X-ray beam on a conveyor belt.

The detector installed above the conveyor belt converts the radiation into an electrical signal. From this, our special analysis software creates a digital X-ray image, which it examines for contaminants and product defects. Integrated separation systems ensure the reliable removal of impure or defective products.

Through this set-up, Sesotec X-ray inspection systems provide effective protection against customer complaints and recalls. You can rely on our more than 40 years of experience in product inspection!

NEW: Discover the new RAYCON family - a complete portfolio for innovative and directive-compliant product inspection!

Discover now!

The benefits of using our X-ray inspection systems

  • Detection of contaminants from 0.3 mm in particle size
  • Outstanding design: hygienic, very quickly accessed and possible to service without tools
  • Hassle-free installation thanks to a modular design
  • They comply with the common food industry standards, such as BRC, IFS and HACCP
  • They provide excellent radiation protection in line with the German X-ray Regulation (Röntgenverordnung − RöV) (< 1 mSv/a)
  • Due to the low radiation energy level for detecting contaminants in food, they can even be used with organic products in accordance with Directive 1999/2/EC
  • Detection of contaminants such as metals, glass, ceramic, stones, raw bones, PVC, Teflon, rubber and glass-fibre-reinforced plastics in food
  • Completeness check, even in closed packaging
  • Detection of lumpy, misshapen or broken products
  • Detection of trapped air in tubes and cans
  • Detection of metal contaminants from non-magnetic stainless steels and non-ferrous metals, even in food packed in aluminium
  • They work at very high speed thanks to innovative analysis software
  • They enable simultaneous inspection of various products, which makes it possible to merge a number of packaging lines into just one inspection system
  • The intuitive user interface ensures a swift overview and extremely easy operation for the user
  • They have an ethernet connection for transmitting data and performing remote maintenance, as well as a USB socket for storing images, backing up products and updating software
  • They have various inlets and outlets for connecting fill-level indicators, external signalling units etc.

Leading technology for end-of-line detection

Our portfolio of X-ray inspection systems comprises leading technology in end-of-line detection. If our standard solutions are not the right fit for your needs, we find another way through customisation. Our many years of experience in a variety of user-focused industries enable us to quickly immerse ourselves in your processes and offer solutions that will integrate perfectly into your production line! 

In terms of design and development, we focus on making the installation, operation and cleaning of our X-ray inspection systems as quick and easy as possible. Our machines also feature sturdy construction – quality that is engineered and made in Germany. any.

Product example RAYCON D


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White Paper

Contaminant Detection in the Meat Industry

Unser White Paper beschreibt einige der Herausforderungen, die sich in der Fleischindustrie hinsichtlich der Produktreinheit und -sicherheit ergeben und erklärt die verfügbaren Technologien, die für die Detektion von Fremdkörpern zur Verfügung stehen.

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White Paper

Advanced Functions and Capabilities of X-ray Technology

In this White Paper we show you the key benefits and diverse application possibilities of x-ray technology and how these systems help you to ensure your product quality.

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White Paper

Booklet: X-ray inspection systems

With our booklet about X-ray inspection of food products we give you an overview of x-ray inspection in general, important food standards and Sesotec's solutions.

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E-Book: Driving Impact - Safe food and saving food

In our e-book we show you, amongst others, what challenges the development of the world's population and especially food safety pose for manufacturers and processors and how they can still be mastered.

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Automated conformity testing processes for inspection systems
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Case Studies

Food Metal Detectors for Kalustyan
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Food producer uses Sesotec x-ray inspection systems
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Nutradried Creations uses Sesotec X-ray Inspection System for Food
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X-ray system inspects tuna fillets

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X-Ray technology for inspection of coffee in metalized packs
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X-ray inspection system helps to accomplish SQF certification
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Reliable X-ray inspection of metallised packaging

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Top x-ray technologie for spices with top quality

The „Alte Gewürzamt“ produces 120 tons spices and spice mixtures per year on 4.000 square meters. The HACCP analysis revealed an increased risk of contamination with metal, stones and glass. An inspection at the outgoing goods was therefore required to meet the quality standards.

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Safe bread and rolls from the Austrian Waldviertel

The Backwelt Pilz produces pre-baked and pre-cooked deep-frozen baked goods, for the food retail trade, petrol station shops and system gastronomy. In order to ensure that bread and rolls are absolutely free of foreign bodies, the Backwelt Pilz decided, in addition to the existing metal detectors, also to install RAYCON D+ X-ray inspection equipment for packaged products.

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X-ray inspection systems ensure top quality in MANNER products

Founded in 1890, the Josef Manner & Comp. AG is the number one specialist for wafers, dragées, and marshmallow products in Austria. As a leading manufacturer of product inspection technology, Sesotec supplied Manner with three RAYCON x-ray systems to help them renew their IFS certification in 2019. The solution was a success: their IFS certificate was renewed and both production sites continue to operate at the highest level of accreditation.


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X-ray technology enables end-to-end traceability for meat and sausage products

FF Frischfleisch AG was searching for a way to fully trace 100% of products subject to complaints. Such a solution would require the systematic documentation of production. In cooperation with Kundert, the Swiss sales partner, Sesotec was able to develop a solution to this challenge onsite.

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Case Studies

EUROVERDE uses X-ray technology to find the smallest stones in soups

EUROVERDE‘s entire product range is the result of a quality process at the highest level. In the field of foreign matter management, EUROVERDE has been using various metal detectors for years to separate metal particles of any kind from the products.

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Case Studies

Examining raw materials for adhesive tapes at the highest level

Our client in northern Germany employs around 600 people and produces single and double-sided adhesive tapes on production facilities that are among the most advanced worldwide. Raw materials for adhesive tape production can contain tiny metal particles. Even the smallest foreign object that enters production poses a significant risk.

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Industry Brochures

Product Purity. Optimal contaminant detection in the food industry.

Industry Brochures

Product Inspection in the Meat Industry

Brochure about the production and processing of meat products.

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Product inspection system for slim and packaged products at moderate pricing

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Product Brochures

The RAYCON D+ HX high-end X-ray inspection system is characterised by the highest detection accuracy, which clearly exceeds generally applicable food regulations.
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The RAYCON D+ MX LW is the standard model for inspecting lightly packaged products. Therefore, this unit is equipped with an innovative conveyor belt design that does not require curtains.

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RAYCON D+ HX LW is the high-end model for inspecting light packaged products. Therefore, this device is equipped with an innovative conveyor belt design that does not require curtains. It achieves the highest detection accuracies.

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Product Brochures


The RAYCON D+ MX BULK is the standard device for inspecting unpacked bulk materials. Pneumatically driven flaps ensure minimal loss of good material.

Raycon D M X Bulk Gesamtansicht Logos

Product Brochures


RAYCON D+ HX BULK is the high-end model for the inspection of unpacked bulk materials. It achieves the highest detection accuracies. Pneumatically driven flaps ensure minimal loss of good material.

Raycon D M X Gesamtansicht Logos

Product Brochures

RAYCON D+ HX Dual Energy

The RAYCON D+ HX Dual Energy high-end X-ray inspection system detects difficult-to-detect low-density contaminants such as certain plastics and cartilage.

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Product Brochures

RAYCON Family - X-ray inspection holistically thought through

Sesotec has completed the proven RAYCON product family and thus offers X-ray inspection solutions for all applications in the food industry.

Sesotec live! - Our upcoming exhibitions